❤︎ Heart Centered Holistic Wellbeing Guide❤︎

Offering Natural Healing Tools & Practices to support Spiritual, Emotional, Energetic, Mental and Physical Well~Being

Sound Healing ・ Reiki ・Yoga ・Meditation ・Spiritual Companionship & Mentoring・Essential Oils ・Crystal Therapy ・Transformational Programs

Your true nature  is joyful, fearless,  expansive and playful.

~Yogrishi Vishvketu

Aubrey Padma is a heart based practitioner of courageous self love, who has served in the public education and mental health sectors as a School Psychologist whilst studying Eastern spirituality, natural healing modalities and practicing yoga for over fifteen years. Integrating an empowering holistic approach to wellbeing, through the yogic system, including the gifts Mother Nature provides, Padma invites you back home to your heart with compassionate self acceptance, while supporting and celebrating your healing, growth and transformation as you nourish the remembrance of your true Divine essence and find harmony within. With loving compassion and a focus on gratitude, she holds a welcoming and nurturing space, meeting you as you are, all feelings and experiences welcome.

“Everybody needs to take some time, in some way, to quiet themselves and really listen to their heart ”

~ Jack Kornfield