Namaste beautiful being ❤︎

Welcome, I’m so grateful you are here!

I’m Aubrey Padma, a heart centered lover of…

life. gratitude. presence. love, people. animals. devotion. being in service. travel. adventure. experiences. playfulness. learning. growing. connection. spiritual practice. yoga. crystals. reiki healing energy. sacred ceremony and ritual. meditation. chai. India. Nepal. sound healing. flowers. essential oils. sharing. sisterhood. dancing. children. the sound of laughter. authenticity. vulnerability, seeing and being seen, brave healing spaces, the ocean. trees. mountains. breath. mother nature. father sun. grandmother moon…and all things mystical and magical energy on the earthly realm and beyond!

I’m dedicated to personal growth through my Spiritual journey which I’ve travelled since childhood when I began to learn my intimate connection with the spirit world, through visits and messages from relatives crossed over. I love to be in studentship, walking through life with curiosity, wonder and the openness of a beginner’s mind. My life path experiences have revealed to me my dharma, as an open channel of Divine love and healing energy, being in service with loving devotion. I am grateful for the experiences and teachings that have helped me grow into the woman I am today, passionate about offering support as a compassionate and loving guide empowering you to soothe and regulate your nervous system, ease anxiety and come back home to your heart, connecting with your true self. As nature blooms after periods of darkness. so too can we emerge through the barriers to love and trust, to love a joyful abundant life!

i believe

I believe in the potent medicine of learning to love our selves fully, deepening self compassion and courageous self acceptance, finding our innate healing within, while unlearning illusions and conditioning from our beginnings.

I believe we are each born as a unique piece of the Universe, that we are Divine beings by nature, here to shine our creative light through our dharma~ our purpose, or deep deep calling of the heart. I believe we are both teachers and students of each other, aligned along our paths to witness our deepest parts helping one another learn and grow into our truest selves, open to receive, wholeheartedly create and experience the life that brings us great freedom and joy.

my journey

As a heart based Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Akhanda Yoga and Meditation Teacher, I feel honoured to share the blessings of authentic healing practices passed down from my beautiful wise teachers in India, Nepal, Australia, and the US; tools that have brought deep healing along my personal spiritual journey. Each life experience, whether the challenges of navigating natural supports beyond the Western medical model for anxiety and endometriosis or celebrating following my heart and moving to Australia in 2010, has been a pebble on the path of remembering that healing begins within as we learn to love ourselves, and ultimately led me to have faith and follow the strong calling of my heart once again. In 2016, while living in Melbourne, the whispering voice within became louder and spoke to me through different way until I surrendered to the knowing that it was time for a big change. I left my youth counsellor job, fully supported by my beautiful colleagues, and with the intention to learn to fully trust myself by feeling all the feels and fears and going into the depth of what really calls my heart, I realized a dream I’d long tucked away and embarked upon a year long solo travel journey. Open to the flow I began in Mexico on a 10 day silent meditation retreat, then spent a bit of time in California with family and friends before returning to my spiritual home in India for nearly six months and living in an ashram while completing my yoga teacher training, falling in love with singing bowls in Nepal, and integrating and restoring in a snowy Canadian winter. I then returned back home to Australia and road tripped some of my favourite spots. During this transformative year I made the journey from my head to my heart once again and truly came home to myself in ways I hadn’t yet experienced. I knew in my heart it was time to say farewell to a land that had become home, had held me and opened my heart and fostered my growth in so many ways.

With simultaneous grief and joy, in late 2017 I left Melbourne to be closer to my family and returned to California. Though I wasn’t sure exactly how the next step would unfold, I did feel that a full circle was complete, and it was seven years to the day from when I first arrived Melbourne to live that I flew back to the U.S. After a couple of years of reacclimating and finding my feet in what felt like a new culture to me in many ways, I am now grateful to live in beautiful coastal Santa Cruz, nestled between the redwoods and the ocean, where I am excited to co-create in community. To say the least, taking that leap of faith to learn to trust myself opened me up to a life changing year, a deep dive into myself that I will always hold with the deepest gratitude in my heart. It truly brings me joy to share with you the fruits of my journey as it continues to unfold, the love and wisdom planted in my heart through teachers and cultures on the path, and so many beautiful practices and daily self care tools I have learned to naturally support mental and emotional health and energy balancing.


Along with my career background as a School Psychologist and counselor, I am passionate about the magical synergy and research supported benefits of embracing wellbeing holistically, bridging science +spirituality to honour all facets of the body, mind, emotion, heart and spirit connection. 

We hold the power, alive within our true essence, to heal and live joyfully. Let’s pause for a moment. Breathe in a big inhale…and…..ahhhh, exhale…. and again. It all begins with the breath, our most powerful innate healing tool with us our whole lives. We are also not meant to do it all alone. There is great power in being seen as the Divine being you are in your raw vulnerability, deepest fears or bubbling up dreams…in your moments of feeling stuck or uncertain as well as when celebrating feeling fully aligned and in the flow. You are so worthy and so loved. I am here to hold sacred space, guide and witness you along your journey and transformation. Remember, you are a Divine being and safe to shine your light!

May I have the courage today to live the life that I would love, to postpone my dream no longer, but do at last what I came here for and waste my heart on fear no more.
— John O’Donohue