How to work with me


sound healing

Sound vibration works on a cellular level to bring harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. Sound baths with Nepalese singing bowls, each an alchemy of seven metals, allow the body and mind to deeply relax activating our innate restorative body wisdom, capable of bringing healing to every cell.

Science now understands that through a process called entrainment, when the frequency of one object synchronizes with the frequency of another, external sound frequencies have the power to alter inner states of consciousness by shifting from an alert state to alpha and theta brainwaves associated with relaxation and meditation. Some benefits of sound baths may include reduced stress and anxiety, production of endorphins~ our natural pain relievers thus decreased pain and inflammation, and improved sleep quality. Spiritually, one may feel a sense of inner peace, clarity of mind, insight, renewed wellbeing, chakra balancing, meditative state of mind, increased awareness and expansion. A sound bath may be thought of like a (sound) massage, from the inside out, deeply relaxing and healing.

I offer group sound baths in my local Santa Cruz community, individual healing sessions, and am happy to curate an intimate private session for special events.



Reiki is a form of energy healing that works with life force energy within and around the body. Reiki is gentle and traditionally practiced with the client lying clothed on a massage table or mat while the practitioner holds her hands to hover over different areas of the body. Reiki energy is channelled through the hands of the Reiki Master or practitioner. This life force energy can be activated and sent across distance by a reiki practitioner. All the recipient of a reiki healing session needs to do is breathe, believe and be open to receive.

Through injury, illness, chronic stress, or emotional trauma energy can become stagnant or blocked within the body creating further dis-ease, or physical manifestations of emotional pain. Reiki energy healing helps to remove blocks and support the healthy balanced flow of energy especially in the energetic Chakra system, similar to how acupressure or acupuncture would. This enables deep relaxation, pain reduction, and inner healing physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally. The combination of sound healing and reiki is a powerful synergy for holistic support and harmony within.



Join me for authentic traditional yoga, the Akhanda way. Akhanda Yoga, meaning whole and complete, was born when my joyful Guru and Himalayan Yoga Master Yogrishi Vishvketu, affectionately referred to as “Vishvaji”, was living in Canada and wanted to share authentic holistic practices from his homeland, incorporating all elements of traditional yoga often missing from a class in a Western studio or gym. I am grateful to have completed my initial yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India immersed in Ashram living in a spiritually rich culture up in the Northern foothills of the Himalayas. I’m honoured to share these beautiful practices with you. Each class, inspired by the heart and presence to what is, the beautiful gifts of nature in all her forms, is crafted to include pranayama (breath), asana (movement), meditation, mantra (sound), and sprinkles of yogic wisdom (philosophy) weaved through a theme connecting ancient inspiration with relevance to modern times.

Raj Yoga was designed by Vishvaji to bring more calm and meditative awareness to anyone. It is my favourite to teach, tapping into a sweet space where the mind and body find ease as repressed emotions are released and our vibration shifts on a cellular level. Raj yoga benefits our nervous system and offers a feeling of deep relaxation, balance and renewal. Raj yoga incorporates brahmari breath, the honey bee sound, with simple postures bringing harmony to the whole being, including our endocrine and hormonal systems, ultimately allowing us to feel better. Classes are accessible to all bodies and may be practiced in a chair or bed. I love closing each practice together by sharing a sound bath savasana and deeply restorative meditation. Please see the Events Calendar for updated classes and series.